Sunflower (harvest 2024)
26 000 UAH/t
Rapeseed (without GMOs)
0 000 UAH/t
0 000 UAH/t
Raw Material Purchasing
We offer our cooperation to all agrarian enterprises, who are interested in long-term cooperation on mutually beneficial terms.The quality of the goods should comply the following basic indexes, considering which the payment for the goods will be made:

- moisture: not exceeding 7,0%;
- foreign bodies admixture: not exceeding 3,0%;
- oil admixture: not exceeding 3,0%;
- acid value: not exceeding 3,0 mg KOH;
- oil fraction in dry matter recalculation not less than 48,0%.
- pests presence is not allowed;
- foreign odours presence is not allowed;
- other indexes according to SS 4694:2006.
And not exceeding limit norms:
- moisture: not exceeding 16,0%;
- foreign bodies admixture: not exceeding 10,0%;
- oil admixture: not exceeding 10,0%;
- oil fraction in dry matter recalculation not less than 40,0%.

- moisture: not exceeding 8,0%;.
- foreign bodies admixture: not exceeding 2,0%;
- oil admixture: not exceeding 6,0%;
- oil content: not less than 46,0%;
- erucic acid: not exceeding 2,0%;
- glucosinolates: not exceeding 25 µmol / g;
- acid value: not exceeding 3,0 KOH/g.
- GMO presence in rapeseed is not allowed – pests presence is not allowed;
- foreign odours presence is not allowed.
- other indicators according to DSTU 4966:2008.
And not exceeding limit norms:
- moisture: not exceeding 16,0%;
- foreign bodies admixture: not exceeding 10,0%;
- oil admixture: not exceeding 6,0%;
- oil content: not less than 41,0%.

- moisture: 12,0%;
- foreign bodies admixture: 2,0%;
- oil admixture: 5,0%;
- oil content: not less than 20,0%;
- protein in dry matter recalculation not less than 37,5%.
- other indexes according to SS 4964:2008.
- pests presence is not allowed;
- foreign odours presence is not allowed;
- other indexes according to SS 4964:2008.
And not exceeding limit norms:
- moisture: not exceeding 16,0%;
- foreign bodies admixture: not exceeding 10,0%;
- oil admixture: not exceeding 10,0%;
- protein in dry matter recalculation not less than 35,0%.
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